Welcome to AICP

The Artificial Intelligence (AI) Community of Pakistan (AICP) works in more than 100 universities across Pakistan to spread awareness among students, develop a community of AI engineers, and promote a research culture among students. AICPs’ primary objective is to gather and spread knowledge regarding AI to develop and improve the AI industry. We are upgrading this field through research and development of new algorithms, techniques, and applications of AI.

AI Meetup

AICP Student Chapters

AICP Activities for Student Chapter
  • Seminars: AICP plans to organize multiple seminars focusing on AI and the latest industry trends. Renowned industry experts will be invited as guest speakers, sharing their valuable insights with the participants.
  • Bootcamps: AICP propose to conduct training workshops to provide students with practical skills and hands-on experience in AI.
  • Conferences: AICP aims to host an artificial intelligence conference/symposium at institutions, bringing together industry experts and academicians as panelists. The conference will serve as a platform for knowledge exchange and networking opportunities.
Benefits for Members 
  • Access to a global network of AI professionals and researchers.
  • Opportunities to participate in AI competitions and conferences.
  • Exposure to cutting-edge AI developments through workshops and seminars.
  • Collaboration with peers and professionals in AI-related projects.
  • A platform to showcase and enhance students’ AI expertise.
  • Online and onsite Internship opportunities.
  • Campus job fairs by our collaborative software houses.


0 +
1 K+
Active Members
1 +
Sminars & Workshops
0 +
Tech Partners

AICP aim to inspire our members to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more in their respective journeys of life.

Hussain Sajid — Founder AICP

Meet Our Team

Meet our enthusiasts behind the vision!!

Founder AICP

Hussain Sajid

Founder AICP

Hafsa Abid

Hafsa Abid

President Punjab Region

President Lahore Region

Hadeeqa Imran

President Lahore Region

President Islamabad

Zain Paracha

President Islamabad Region


Syed Shehryar Attique

President KPK Region

President Sindh

Azhan Ahmed

President Sindh Region

Founder AICP

Our Services

AI Squad

We are a software development company registered inSECP, providing AI related services in middle east andeurope. Our major services are providing Data Analyticsand Machine Learning solutions.

Student Chapters

Open student chapters at formal educational institutions and spread awareness and enhance skills throughseminars, bootcamps, conferences and competitions.

Tech Partners

Collaborate with the tech industry to provide the besttalent pool and bridge them up with academia. Organize job fairs at different educational institutions.

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